A MUD has many other names that it can be known as other than Multiple- User Dungeon, it can also be known as Multiple User Dimension or Multiple-User Dialogue. A MUD is computerised environment where a person can take control of a avatar/incarnation/ character, the person can interact with other characters, walk around a room that has been created by another or by themselves, they can explore dangerous areas that maybe infested with monsters or other creatures, solves puzzles or just be creative by designing a room or items for that room. MUDs can also be games that are ongoing adventure or they can be used as a teaching guide for children. The main aim of the MUDding world is to become a Wizard or witch or gods.

A god is someone who owns their own database and have the administration rights, whereas a wizard can do what they please to another but they have to follow their own rules or they will get punished by a god. A witch is the same as a wizard.

MOO is short for MUD, Object Oriented. A MOO is a program similar to DOS it has similar functions and programs. Each of these functions rely upon the MOO database to operate properly, this is known as a MOO server. There are many MOO programs that have been created over the years, but the first one that sets the support for many of the other MOO programs is LamdaMOO it was developed to be a social reasons it was to have a theme of a fraternity house. Many other MOO databases are based around a particular theme from town planing to educational reasons. Everything in a MOO environment is an object and is known with an object number.

Muck is a text based MUD, Muck is short for Mulite- User Chat Kingdom. A MUCK is similar to a MUSH they both are text base systems but a MUSH is for social and role-playing purposes. MUSH is short for Mult-User Shared Habitat, it can also been known as Holodeck or Hallucination.

both MUCK and MUSH have expanded over the years that there no one knows which one started with what one.